Referencia: TOGR20210320001
Título: Fracción de inhibidores naturales del Factor Activador de Plaquetas como complemento alimenticio con acción antiinflamatoria y antitrombótica
A team of Greek university professors has developed an innovative method for obtaining a fraction that inhibits inflammation and thrombosis, caused by the potent mediator named Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF), made from by-products of the Mediterranean food industry. This fraction, which can be incorporated in food or taken as a supplement, is beneficial in combattng cardiovascular disease and other diseases. A license agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance is sought.
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Oferta
Fecha Límite:01/04/2022
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Referencia: TOSI20210331001
Título: Base de datos con datos de composición de alimentos con marca
Slovenian public and private research organizations have developed a food composition database of food products available on the Slovenian and Eastern European market. The database is constantly updated and used in the national programme for food and physical activity for health to help end-users make informed decisions on consuming food products. The license to use the database is offered to partners in sports, fitness, nutrition organizers, food producers as well as research and academia.
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Oferta
Fecha Límite:09/04/2022
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Referencia: TOIT20210419001
Título: Suplementos dietéticos protectores frente a los efectos nocivos de los microcontaminantes ambientales
An Italian research group is prototyping an innovative dietary supplement, based on a new formulation that could contribute to disease prevention in populations exposed to concentrations of environmental micropollutants higher than the basal levels. The researchers are looking for financial, research cooperation or technical cooperation agreements in order to advance in the development of technology.
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Oferta
Fecha Límite:23/04/2022
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Referencia: TOIT20210330001
Título: Tapa higienizante adaptable segura para botellas reutilizables
An Italian monitoring system company has developed a technical solution for the actual COVID-19 emergency, helping to answer the growing hygiene necessity. The firm has developed, prototyped and is going to produce smart lids for reusable bottles. Using embedded UV-C (ultraviolet C) LEDs (light emitting diode) and a proprietary closure system, they can sanitise both bottle and content in the safest way, thanks to two use control components. Joint venture and licence agreement are sought.
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Oferta
Fecha Límite:23/04/2022
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Referencia: TRIT20210323001
Título: Empresa italiana busca colaboración para identificación de usos industriales de ceras vegetales
An Italian SME specialized in coffee decaffeination is aiming to become a zero-waste company. While they can reuse or recycle every resource used during the process, the only waste they still produce are waxes estracted from the coffee beans. They are looking for technical collaborations in order to identify the possible uses of these vegetal waxes in other industries. They are also interested in research collaboration on circular economy and industrial symbiosis topics.
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Demanda
Fecha Límite:02/04/2022
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Referencia: HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-10
Título: Línea de financiación en Horizonte Europa: Ecosistemas costeros y marinos en sistemas socio-ecológicos simplificados
HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-10: Demostración de medidas y gestión para la restauración y resiliencia de los ecosistemas costeros y marinos en sistemas socioecológicos simplificados. Pressures on marine biodiversity, and the ecosystems they form a part of, are increasing at a faster rate than the efforts at protection. Adding to human direct pressures, the effects of climate and environmental changes are becoming main drivers affecting the integrity of marine ecosystems and their capacity to de
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Convocatoria
Fecha Límite:01/09/2021
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Referencia: DSTGITA-CDTICALL2021
En el marco del Programa de Cooperación firmado entre el CDTI (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) y el Departamento indio de Ciencia y Tecnología (DST), se ha llegado a un acuerdo con el objetivo de publicar una nueva llamada conjunta para la presentación de propuestas de cooperación tecnológica en: Tecnologías limpias (energías renovables, agua, medioambiente), Internet de las cosas (smart mobility, smart grids, smart cities, etc.), Salud digital y dispositivos médicos (equipos móviles, health
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Convocatoria
Fecha Límite:15/07/2021
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Referencia: HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-12
Título: Línea de financiación en Horizonte Europa: Espacio marítimo e identificación de áreas marinas protegidas
HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-12: Mejora de la planificación del espacio marítimo basada en la ciencia e identificación de áreas marinas protegidas Restored and properly protected coastal and marine ecosystems bring substantial health, social and economic benefits to coastal communities and the EU and Associated Countries as a whole. The need for stronger action is all the more acute as marine and coastal ecosystem biodiversity loss is severely exacerbated by global warming. Projects results
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Convocatoria
Fecha Límite:01/09/2021
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Referencia: HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-13
Título: Línea de financiación en Horizonte Europa: Cultivos más eficientes
HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-13: Breeding for resilience: focus on root-based traits With increasing effects of climate change and a shift towards low(er) input production systems, crops are needed that are capable of capturing resources more efficiently and are resilient to abiotic stress. Proposals will: • Identify root traits that enhance resource efficiency of plants in different environments, taking into account beneficial plant – microbe interactions and restitution of plant-fixed c
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Convocatoria
Fecha Límite:01/09/2021
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Referencia: HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-14
Título: Línea de financiación en Horizonte Europa: Fomento del cultivo ecológico
HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-14: Fomentar el cultivo ecológico Promoting the use of more sustainable farming practices is an EU policy objective enshrined in the European Green Deal and its related strategies. Boosting organic farming in Europe, being one objective of the Farm to Fork Strategy, can greatly contribute to achieving the ambition to reduce significantly the use and risk of inputs in farming while making agriculture more resilient, including through increased (bio)diversity. Increas
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Convocatoria
Fecha Límite:01/09/2021
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Referencia: HORIZON-CL3-2022-FCT-01-01
Título: Línea de financiación en Horizonte Europa: Investigación en la escena de crímenes
HORIZON-CL3-2022-FCT-01-01: Mejora de las investigaciones en la escena del crimen relacionadas con la transferencia, la persistencia y la trazabilidad Nowadays, Police Authorities deal with a growing complexity of crime scenes containing various types of trace evidence items that can also present safety hazards for the forensic experts and crime scene investigators. Traditional forensic crime scene analysis typically involves several techniques to inspect, gather and analyse collected trace s
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Convocatoria
Fecha Límite:08/09/2022
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Referencia: 20/04/202112:58:53
Título: PRIMA convocatoria para presentación de candidaturas al SAC “Scientific Advisory Committee”
La Fundación PRIMA acaba de publicar en su web una convocatoria para la presentación de candidaturas para formar parte del Comité Científico Asesor (SAC) de PRIMA, con fecha límite el 11 de mayo. PRIMA – Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area – is the most ambitious joint programme to be undertaken in the frame of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. PRIMA launches R&I funding calls to build research and innovation capacities and to develop knowledge and common innovati
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Convocatoria
Fecha Límite:11/05/2021
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Referencia: RDIT20210416001
Título: Pyme italiana busca empresa agrícola para probar un dron que rocía productos fitosanitarios en los cultivos
An Italian and a Lithuanian SMEs have developed a technology that enables drones to spray phytosanitary products on crops. In order to participate in the 2nd open call of the H2020-funded AgROBOfood project, the consortium is looking for an end-user where testing and validating their aerial spot spraying system, under research cooperation. The partner sought is farm company with know-how of pest control treatments, whose main cultivations include e.g. vineyards, apples, pears, small fruits, etc.
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Búsqueda de socios
Fecha Límite:31/05/2021
Para más información pulse aquí   Si alguna oportunidad tecnológica es de su interés, le ruego se ponga en contacto con nosotros, a la mayor brevedad posible y siempre antes de la fecha límite señalada, indicándonos la referencia de la misma.

Persona de Contacto en FICYT: Elena Suárez González. Tel 985 20 74 34 email:

Por favor, recuerde que si además tiene interés en colaborar en algún otro tema con otras empresas o centros de investigación de Europa, el nodo Galactea-Plus de la Enterprise Europe Network, a través de FICYT, le puede ayudar. | Contacto : Equipo Galactea-Plus.

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